Monday 30 January 2012


Music Video

A music video is basality is a short film or video that accompanies a complete piece of music or mistly commonly a song, music videos where off called promotion vidoes this was due to the fact tht they are usally promotional device. sometimes videos are termed short form music vidoes to distinguish them from a full length movies pertaining to music.

 In the uk the importance of top of the pops to promote a single created an environment of innovation and competition amongst bands and record labels as the show's producers placed strict limits on number of videos it would use it as there a good video would increase a song's sales as viewers hoped to see the video again the following week.
Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody aslso started a whole new era for using music videos as promos, american band Devo were one of the first to create a music video.

In 1981, MTV launched, the first every music video  aired Killed the Radio Star and beginning era 24-hour a day of music right to tvs across the USA. With this new outlet for material of the new music video would, by the mid-1980s it began to grow to play a central role in popular music to the marketing.

Here is a link to watch the first ever music video made:
About MTV

MTV which is also known as Music Television which is an American network based in New York City that launched on August 1, 1981,  MTV is a global Network which the original purpose of the channel was to play and promotes music fresh new music videos.  After the first Video
"Killed The Radio Star"  being promoted on the MTV  the show start to company represented a direct line into the hearts and minds of music consumers around the world, their main form of expression was music video. After 18 months of being on TV the show started to become very succeeded around the global, earning $7 million in advertising revenue and remained a critical part of the music industry by leveraging music videos stated helping out fresh new artist and help that to promote them self's for example Michael Jackson and Green Day started to be played on MTV.

About YouTube

YouTube is a website that's was created by three former PayPal employees in February 14Th, 2005 its based in San Bruno, California USA, it was created for users so they can upload, view and share videos with other people around the world.  It is a global website where you can watch free videos. The founded of youtube are Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, who were all early employees of PayPal.
Here is a pitcher of them:
From left to right: Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim

But In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google Inc. for US $1.65 billion, and now operates as a subsidiary of Google.

The main purpose of youtube is entertainment also to share videos with the world, it could be a TV episode, part of a movies, you can create home films and post them. Most of it is stuff people do at home, whether this is called video blogs or just vloging, some people that vlog on youtube get paid to do a video about there liefs are making one but you must get have over 10,000 subscribers on your channel too get paid by youtube. Youtube outcomes are some videos that are on there are poor quality and copyright happens.


DVD/CDs purpose is for the artits to try and self and promotes there music to the audience, the DVD/cd is for people to buy and take home so they can listen or watch music whenever they want. DVDS/CDS are a global thing as many people around the world use them. The outcome of CDs/DVDs is many people copy right the things of them and self them to get money for them self’s.

 ITunes can connect to the iTunes store to purchase and download music, music videos, television shows, iPod games, audio books, podcasts, movies and movie rentals, The Purpose for ITunes is where artist can promotion and sale there own music for the world to buy and listen to at anytime. The Outcome from itunes is that apple make money and the artist that the song is sold earns money too but paying is not so good as some people find ways to get them same music for a different site for free making itunes lose out a little.


 The purpose of Facebook is to connect with friends, share videos for websites, chat and you can also promotion your self as you can make fan pages so people can like them and share your own videos for youtube but clicking on share fore youtube, this is because most people have facebook so friends and anyone can listen and share with other people in the world, facebook in a is a global network and most people do have facebook. the outcome of facebook is that you can promote your self so you get recognised helping you to become famous and great Market research to look up things but facebook can be hacked and you may lose stuff that you had on your account.


 The Purpose of MySpace for artits to promotion there self but not just artist you can get people how want to become famous post and share there own music videos. myspace is a global network and can be accessed any whereas its free.  The Outcome with myspace is being able to promote your self and share other artist music with friends, you can also make money by selling your own music to other people but also you can get hacked and lose your account.

Synergy in Media
 Synergy may be defined as two or more things functioning together to produce a result not independently obtainable Synergy comes from a Greek word that means work together. In Media it is used to explain how different products can work together using the same concepts, for example, film soundtrack and video game. For example Walt Disney pioneered synergistic marketing techniques in the 1930s by granting dozens of firms the right to use his Mickey Mouse character in products and ads
In the film twilight and paramour song, “decode” was used in the soundtrack. The result was that the song promoted the film and vice versa.
here is the link to watch the music video:

Producers Strategies
The music industry consists of many artists and performers working with varying levels of ambition and success. 

Major record labels such as Island sign artistes they think will have mass appeal and therefore make lots of money. They will look to use music videos as part of a wider marketing strategy that includes things such as radio play, press reviews, TV appearances and an expensive website.

Smaller independent record labels such as Leaf have much smaller budgets and the artists they sign generally have a more niche appeal. This means that the marketing strategy is different as they can’t rely on radio and TV for promotions. Music videos are used although they will be much lower budget and accessed mainly through the internet.

Self Produce artits
Artists who self produce and are not signed to a record label tend not to have much of a budget for music videos. Their videos tend to be homemade and posted online receiving very few hits.
the music video i have choosen is this you lad who sings  bruno maz hes 9 years old heres a link to watch the video


Notes (why does it conform to the given style?)
<!--[if !vml]-->Description: daft punk.bmp<!--[endif]-->
Daft Punk – Digital Love (Animated and Homage to Manga):
The song is an animation song it looks like it was made in Japanese you can tell this because of the style of the animations.  The reference of this animation it’s that it has been done in a way to make it look similar to match the song.
<!--[if !vml]-->Description: love the way.bmp<!--[endif]-->
Eminem Ft Rihanna – Love the Way You Lie (Narrative and Performance):
The style of this video is abusive in relationships and what life is like when people who are in these kinds of relationships. Also its show what happens if you stay in relations ships, the style of the type of song is a strong tension feel when you watch it.
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Oasis – Let There Be Love (in concert and as live):
The style of the oasis music video is difff the oasis music vidoe ay in relations ships, the style of the type of song is a strong tension feel when you watch it.erent for to other music video you tend to see, they have used one of their concert  and what they do before concert as the music video they have also do it in black and white to stand out more. This video is quite slow as the song is about peace and throughout.
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Foo Fighters – Walk (Pastiche of Falling Down):

Falling Down Opening Scene:
In this music video you see that the foo fighter have copied a scene for the film falling down, they style at the being is very slow just like the film but has you get more in to the song it gets faster and upbeat. The foo fighter are just doing a comedy aspects for the band this is a simply but affective way to promoted by just taking the piss out of it.
<!--[if !vml]-->Description: eat it.jpg<!--[endif]-->
Weird Al Yankovic – Eat It (Parody of Beat it):

Michael Jackson – Beat it
This music video is one of Michael Jackson’s best song hits.
In the songs the instrumental backing tracks are both but the piss take one lyrics are completely different. They did use almost the same clothing; set ect, in the song “eat it”. They used comedy to promote the original song and them self’s.
<!--[if !vml]-->Description: gold digger.bmp<!--[endif]-->
Kanye West - Gold Digger (influence of commercials):
In this music video it is advertising states like magazines with girls in, this would be amid to man mainly. They promote magazine all the way though the music video. They are also promoting the artist not just the girls.
<!--[if !vml]-->Description: the kill.bmp<!--[endif]-->
Thirty Seconds To Mars - The Kill (Bury Me) (referencing – The Shining):

The Shining trailer

In this music video  they have used the film the shinning film to  referencing  to, they have used this throughout the most of the music video, you do see some off the scenes from the film being  including for example the  shot in a hotel  form both video are very  similar. The music video is hard rock and the film is a horror making both fit together very well.
<!--[if !vml]-->Description: radiohead.bmp<!--[endif]-->
Radiohead - Street Spirit (abstract):

In this music video the style of the video was filmed in black and white, this makes the music video stand out a little bit more from other music videos. The music video give of the since that life isn’t going very well and in life you should be afraid of nothing.  
<!--[if !vml]-->Description: lonely island.bmp<!--[endif]-->
The Lonely Island – I’m on a Boat (interpretive):

In this music video you have the name of the song “on a boat” replayed a lot though out the song, they style is very metaphorical has they are actually filmed on a boat and the majority of the song talks about him being on a boat. They have also used a style where what every they sing they do for example they take about drinking champagne then you see a shot since it.
<!--[if !vml]-->Description: beastie.bmp<!--[endif]-->
The Beastie Boys – Sabotage (impressionist):

In this music video they have used a way to take the piss out of the police By making this video; they have shown in this video that all cops are fake and shouldn’t be trusted. This video purpose is comedy to police officers.

Music Video Conventions
Using the videos we have already watched find examples of the following conventions:
1.      Lyric interpretation

In the song ‘am on a boat’ they have used of lyric interpretation what this means is what we see fits in to the lyrics they sing. This is mainly used thought out the whole music video

2.      Extension or consolidation of song’s meaning

Extension consolidation mean  is when the lyric  are matched to the video narrative, for example the song “Love the way You Lie” by Eminem and Rihanna’s has a extension connsolidtion meaning in the song its shows you love/hate relationship  and what happens to it, when it all breaks downs.

3.       Allusion (a reference)

 Allusion’s is when a music video is similar to scenes from a movie for example we have a few that that have been done like this that we are looking at that have used Allusion like 30 Seconds To Mars and The Kill which features  senses from the film The Shining.

4.       Links to other artists

The links to the artist mean when a music video when a artist uses another artist in the video or used a song from a different artist and recreate it as their own but you can still see that it was that song they got it from. For example Weird Al Yankovic – Eat It (Parody of Beat it) takes the mike out of a  Michael Jackson song  Beat it this song is likened  to the arĂȘtes very well as they copy everything that is in the Michael Jackson song.

Music Video Techniques
Explain the following techniques and find examples from the videos we have watched:
1.      Cutting to the beat

Cutting to the beat means when part of a sense in a video cuts with a certain part, this can be for a  lyric, visual or a sound that makes the video look shard and standout, The use of cutting to the beat was mainly used in the music video ‘am on a boat’.

2.      Effects

Effects can be  used in different types of  ways to make, they are used to try and make video stand out and unique from other videos, for example green screens are mainly used in most videos these days as they can bring you video to like by placing images, other videos ect, this  kind of effect will make your video more your style to the way most videos are done. One off the videos we looked at that looks like green screen work was the video for “Love the way You Lie” the house on fire in the background could of been edits in or green screen.

3.      Miming and lip sync

Miming and lip sync’s are done mainly to make a song today , this is done by an actor Lip sync/miming to their own video will making it, then when edits will match the song to the movement of their lips.

4.      Use of multi image

multi image is  when uses of one or more image is flicked though out a video this can be done slow or fast, when most images are used they are done in a fast why as they mostly want to keep the audience watching. In the song “Gold Digger” multi images has been used very frequently throughout as you get Kanye West and the girl singing in the same photo frame.

5.      Camera shots/angles and movements

 The uses of Camera shots/angles and movements are one of the main things when making a video as camera shots and angles can make a video standout for other video, for explain long shot, close shot ect can be very simply shots to do but can also make you video standout if done right. I think the best song that have done this is “Love the way You Lie” by Eminem and Rihanna’s the close up shots of the face show the audience the emotion and pain the girl  feeling, also they do close of the singer Rihanna to also show us how she s feels about this abusive relationship.

6.      Chroma key (green screen)

Green screen’s are mainly used in most video made today as they can make one video standout as green screens can bring your thoughts to life, For example being placed in the first world war, they could place you there making it looking realistic to people watching. I think in the videos we have watched “Love the way You Lie” by Eminem and Rihanna’s  green screen has been done for the house fire that is place in the background.